Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Renshi Johnson gets 5th Dan from Karate Association of India on December 3, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Buddha In the Dojo

The statue of Buddha was installed in the Hombu Dojo of Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Shinkokai and Kobudo Association, India (Bogadi, Mysore) on October 3rd, 2014.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sensei Roland is being felicitated by Renshi KP Johnson

During the seminar Sensei Roland was felicitated by Renshi Johnson

Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Shinkokai and Kobudo Association, India

A seminar on Traditional Karate was conducted by Sensei Roland from Germany at the Hombu Dojo of Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Shinkokai and Kobudo Association, India.

Above Sensei Roland Extreme left and Renshi Johnson extreme right. 

Sensei Roland with kids....

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Renshi K.P. Johnson as Referee during Beat Down 2014; a National Karate Championship organized by Wakayama Karate-Do, India on July 19 and 20 at Kanteerava Stadium, Bangalore

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hombu Dojo:  Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Shinkokai and Kobudo Association, India

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Renshi Johnson, Chief Instructor and Examiner of Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Shinkokai and Kobudo Association, India.  Hombu Dojo of the association is in Roopanagar, Mysore.  Renshi Johnson's Contact number is +91-9663456023  or +91-9483587433

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Summer Karate Championship 2014 organized by Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Shinkokai and Kobudo Association, India, held on May 3rd, 2014.  Championship was conducted in the Hombu Dojo of the association, Roopanagar, Bogadi (Mysore).  The champions seen with Renshi Johnson KP.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Organized by Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Shinkokai and Kobudo Association, India, was held on December 14th 2013 at Deepa PU College Auditorium, Roopanagar.  Participants from Kerala, Tamilnadu, Bihar, Andrapradesh, Karnataka and also from South Africa (Cape Town) participated in the event.  The Championship was inaugurated by Commissioner of Police, Dr. MA Saleem.

Renshi Johnson with students from Karunya Mane

Renshi Johnson with Kyoshi Swaky Rethinam in his house (Chennai).

Renshi Johnson with Kyoshi Swaky Rethinam (Chennai)

Renshi Johnson during Shorin India Karate Championship - 2013

Johnson:  (While in Shorinkan)

Johnson receiving 4th Dan Certificate from Kyoshi Swaky Rethinam

Sensei Johnson with his first batch of students in Roopanagar (Bogadi, Mysore)

Sensei Johnson's affiliation letter from Hanshi Masanobu Kikukawa (OSKSC).

Sensei Johnson during 2013 Christmas Celebration (Rotary Central Dojo, Hebbal, Mysore)


Sensei Johnson with his daughter Aleena Johnson.  Sensei Johnson started the Roopanagar Dojo to teach his daughter, Aleena Johnson and that was the birth of the present association (Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Shinkokai and Kobudo Association, India)   Few years later Sensei Johnson resigned from SPI, Mysore, from his job as a executive proof reader and began as a full time Karate Instructor to promote the association.

Letter from Hanshi Masanobu Kikukawa assigning Sensei Johnson as the Chief Instructor and Examiner.

Sensei Johnson in Rotary Central Dojo

Christmas Gift and wishes from Rotary Central Dojo, Hebbal for Sensei Johnson

Sensei Johnson is gifted with a Chirstmas Card (Rotary Central Dojo, Hebbal)

Shorin India Karate Championship - 2013